The school’s Volunteer Policy is part of the school’s safeguarding system.

Volunteers and Interns at our school bring with them a range of skills and experience that can enhance the learning opportunities of pupils. The school therefore welcomes and encourages volunteers and Interns from the local community.


Our volunteers/Interns include:

● Ex-pupils
● Students on work experience
● University students

The types of activities that volunteers engage in, on behalf of the school, include:

● B.Ed/PGCEi student doing their practicum teaching hours.
● Working with small groups of children to assist them in their learning ● Working alongside individual pupils as an additional tutor
● Accompanying school visits
● Workshop topic relevant to school curriculum
● Psychology Interns completing their practicum.


SIBS is committed to safeguarding pupils, young people and vulnerable adults and expects its volunteers/interns to show that commitment.


Anyone wishing to become a volunteer/intern, either for a one off event such as a school visit or on a more regular basis usually approach the Head of School, Senior Management or a member of staff. Volunteers/Interns should complete the Volunteer/Intern Application Form (Appendix 1) with their contact details, types of activities they would like to help with and the times they are available to help.


All those (whether paid or voluntary) who engage in any activity on a frequent or intensive basis that occurs in an educational institution which is exclusively or mainly for the provision of full-time education to children. This means that all who work on a regular basis within a school’s premises must comply with all statutory requirements regarding recruitment and ID checks.


● The candidate/s attend the school for an informal discussion to ensure the applicant is suitable for the role
● Applicable statutory recruitment checks such as Police clearances and Reference checks will be carried out.
● The volunteer/Intern will be made aware of the role and responsibilities they will be undertaking
● If appropriate two references should be sought where the volunteer arrangement will continue on a regular basis
● Induction: School policies and documentation explained and issued. These will include:

The school’s Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
The Staff Code of Conduct.
The Confidentiality Policy agreement.

The Behaviour Policy

● Volunteer/Intern records to be kept in a central place within the School

Before starting to volunteer/intern at SIBS, a volunteer/intern should complete the Volunteer Agreement (Appendix 2) which sets out the school’s expectations of its volunteer/intern and confirm they have received a copy of this agreement.


All adults/young people who work in our school, whether a paid member of staff or a volunteer, are expected to work and behave in such a way as to actively promote our school aims and educational purpose.


Volunteers/Interns in the School are bound by a code of confidentiality. Any concerns that volunteers have about the pupils they work with/come into contact with should be voiced with the Head of School and NOT with the parents/carers of the child.

Volunteers/Interns who are concerned about anything in the school which may affect their work should raise the matter with the Head of School or appropriate senior member of staff. Any information gained at the school about a child or adult should remain confidential.


All volunteers/Interns work under the supervision of a teacher or full time member of staff. Teachers retain ultimate responsibility for pupils at all times, including the pupils’ behaviour and the activity they are undertaking. Volunteers/Interns should be given clear guidance from the designated supervisor as to how an activity is carried out/what the expected outcome of an activity is. In the event of any query/problem regarding the pupils’ understanding of a task, behaviour or their welfare, volunteers/interns must seek further advice/guidance from their designated supervisor.


The school has a Health & Safety Policy and this is made available to volunteers working in the school. An appropriate member of staff will ensure that volunteers/interns are clear about the emergency procedures (e.g., Fire Alarm Evacuation) and about any safety aspects associated with particular tasks (e.g., accompanying pupils on visits). Volunteers/Interns need to exercise due care and attention and report any obvious hazards or concerns to the designated supervisor/Head of School.


The welfare of our pupils is paramount. To ensure the safety of our pupils, we adopt the following procedures:

● All volunteers/Interns are given a copy of the Volunteer Policy and asked to sign a Volunteer/Intern Agreement (Appendix 2)
● Any concerns a volunteer has about child protection issues should be referred to the designated supervisor or the Head of School.