SIBS Chiang Mai is always looking for ways to assist our community.

We also know that our students are global citizens and may decide to attend university outside of Thailand. In order to meet an international standard of many universities in Europe, Australia, and the United States, SIBS students will be required to complete a minimum of 30 hours of community service prior to graduation.

Students will earn valuable life experience, give back to their community, and earn credits of service while doing so. Each Secondary student from Year 10 – Year 13 is given the opportunity to improve the community in any way they can. Students will be given community service log sheets to track their progress. They can provide their service in any area of their choosing, provided that it has been deemed an appropriate service by the SIBS Chiang Mai Leadership Team.

Prior to the students’ service, the leadership team will visit each venue and discuss the possible ways that SIBS students can assist those who will become SIBS community service partners. Once deemed appropriate, the students are responsible for setting up their hours and required tasks with the community service partner. They will provide the community service supervisor with their log sheet when they arrive. The student is responsible for completing the tasks, and the supervisor is responsible for filling out the log sheet. The log sheets include the name of the community service partner, date, hours worked, duties performed, any additional information that the community service supervisor deems essential, and signature of the supervisor.


Community Service

One of the best parts of the community service project at SIBS Chiang Mai is that it is in direct correlation with the Cambridge learner attributes. Community service teaches responsibility in that the students are responsible for setting up their own service and maintaining their own log sheets. Community service teaches confidence in the fact that the students have to be willing to put in the time and effort to get out there and find out where it is that they want to make a difference. Community service allows students the opportunity to be innovative and possibly make changes in their community that no one has thought of before. Students are engaged in each and every community service project that they undertake and will take back life lessons from. Finally, community service provides the opportunity for reflection. The students can see that the work that they have put into their community has made a difference and reflect on how they were the ones who made it happen.

SIBS is already proud partners with โรงเรียนสอนคนตาบอดภาคเหนือ The Northern School for The Blind under patronage of the Queen, Anusarnsunthorn School For The Deaf, and Wat San Don Moon School. If you or anyone you know is interested in improving the lives of young people, while improving the community and would like to become a partner in the SIBS Chiang Mai Community Service project, please contact the SIBS Chiang Mai Community Service Coordinator, Ms. Kanyanat Pureerod (Khun Ging) at [email protected].

We look forward to working with you and are excited to see the students of SIBS Chiang Mai be the change that they want to see in the world.