Student Internships


In order to meet the needs of our students as they will one day enter a competitive workforce, we have decided that it is essential our students gain work experience prior to graduation.

Starting this year, Year 10-13 students will complete a minimum of 20 hours of an internship / work experience at a local business or businesses. The students will participate in the field of their choice so as to maximize their engagement in their work experience. Just as is with the real world, happy workers are usually better workers. When they apply for their first job after they finish tertiary education, our former students will be able to discuss their work experience from the time they were at SBS. We are excited to work with local businesses and have our students gain valuable life experience along the way. We understand that the students will get a portion of hands-on training, but depending on the field of internship, it can be an observatory role as well.

Prior to the internships, all businesses will be visited by the internship committee from SBS International School Chiangmai to make sure we are the right fit for you and you are the right fit for us. We want to set our students up for success as well as provide you with the best interns we have to offer for the positions you have available. We are open to all fields of occupations.

Not only do we organize internships for our students, we welcome any University students or any Y10-Y13 students from other schools to apply to come and do an internship at SBS Chiang Mai. If you are thinking of becoming a teacher one day, why not come and gain practical experience and gain valuable knowledge from a qualified, experienced teacher at SBS.

If you are a local business and you would like to support the students of SBS International School Chiangmai in their internship / work experience process, please contact the Internship Coordinator by emailing: [email protected]. Please share a brief description of your business, location of your business, possible positions available, and the time and commitment you expect from your SBS Chiangmai interns.

We look forward to working with you and our students working for you.