Cambridge International Primary Curriculum
At SIBS we deliver a comprehensive curriculum that provides students with opportunities to develop the skills, knowledge and concepts to help them become internationally-minded bilingual citizens. The diversity of the students and teachers provides opportunities to collaborate and develop awareness of our similar and differing perspectives.
Active Learning
Through learning experiences delivered by guided inquiry and direct instruction, students engage in lessons and build confidence and responsibility in their role as learners.
Primary trained homeroom teachers facilitate the learning in the core subject areas of English, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies following the Cambridge International Primary framework. Specialist teachers deliver the lessons in Physical Education (P.E.), Art, Music, and Information Communication Technology (ICT).
Language Learning
A child’s solid understanding of their first language is important in the development of a confident bilingual child. SBS primary students attend specialist classes for their first language of Thai or Mandarin. Mandarin as an Additional Language instruction begins in Y1. As we embrace Thai values and bilingualism, all students participate in Thai Language and Culture classes. Thai as an Additional Language classes for non-native students begin in Y1.
Learning Environment
Our limited, small class sizes allow teachers to provide individual attention to students. The primary classrooms are equipped with materials, math manipulatives and technology that foster student engagement.
Technology for Teaching and Learning
All classrooms are equipped with the technology for teachers to deliver interactive lessons.
Our innovative Year 4 through Year 6 iPad 1:1 Programme promotes digital citizenship and gives students the opportunity to access information, collaborate, create and communicate their learning.
Preparation for Secondary School
By following the Cambridge International curriculum framework from Kindergarten through P5, our students are prepared to confidently perform at their next level of learning, extending their knowledge, skills and understanding. Students are able to make a smooth transition into grade 6 onto the Cambridge Secondary One programme with the Cambridge foundation established in their primary years.
SBS Chiangmai believes that being bilingual doubles your future in addition to promoting international mindedness.
In Primary, English as an additional Language (EAL) support is provided within the context of the primary classroom. Homeroom and language support teachers plan together to deliver what individual students need to access the curriculum within the classroom setting. In some cases, a child may be provided individual or small group instruction outside of the classroom.
All students are assessed on their level of English language acquisition. Through diagnostic assessment and classroom performance indicators, if a student is identified as in need of EAL support, it is provided by a specialist EAL teacher. This is done in a pull-out and in-class model. If a student is identified as requiring additional support in English, a nominal fee is charged.
Moving beyond enhancing teaching practices, enabling new learning activities, improving engagement, promoting participation, and various other proven “benefits”… information technology has become vital. Technology and internet access have become more important than ever in teaching and learning at SBS.
The Cambridge Primary school programme is centered around inquiry, research, collaboration, and taking action. It develops young learners who are confident, responsible, reflective, innovative and engaged and includes assessment that proves and improves learning. Students in this program…
… construct knowledge themselves to develop genuine understanding.
… are not supplied with “the right answer”.
… must come to their own conclusions and validate them.
… study based on real events and problems, which are meaningful.
… develop real-world problem solving skills to succeed throughout life.
… are considered successful by a their self-initiated actions, outside of the classroom.
The personal device (iPad) you supply for your child ensures he/she can participate fully and take an active role in learning. Preparing students for their future not our past.
Connected classrooms allow learning to happen in hundreds of new ways. Our students aren’t just memorizing facts. They learn through an inquiry cycle that gets them to question, investigate, challenge, experiment, and reflect.
Technology plays a critical role in enquiry based learning, enabling students to research, react to, and affect real events in the world outside of the classroom.
Beyond this function which is necessary, mobile devices also allow students to learn more independently, collaborate, organize, communicate, and understand concepts deeply.
The leaders of tomorrow must be able to succeed in technological environments. 21st Century workers, business owners, entrepreneurs and visionaries will depend on quickly advancing technologies. SBS offers experience in a wide variety of technological tools and services which enable our students to learn actively in the classroom and learn independently from anywhere.
DEVICE SUPPLY: You may purchase a new iPad or supply a used iPad for your child. Only iPad Air (Generation 5) or up models or newer are acceptable (for compatibility reasons). iPad Mini devices are accepted, but not recommended (due to difficulties in working within a smaller space and eye strain). Please note: The iPad supplied for classroom use is only to be used by your child for his/her school work. This device should not be used for entertainment by other family members. It should be treated like a paper activity book purchased for class, or any other classroom resource.
OWNERSHIP: The iPad supplied to each student remains owned by the (family of that) student. Although the device is not owned by SBS, we will manage the content on all student iPads. Once the student ends the program, the management and full ownership will be returned to the student.
REMOTE MANAGEMENT: For security and efficiency, we reserve the right to manage the content on student iPads. These devices will be locked to host only content SBS provides from 08:00-17:00 on school days. This will include preventing games and other unauthorized apps from being installed by students. SBS will provide books, apps, and other interactive learning content over Wi-Fi.
ACCESSORIES: Each student may be asked to provide the items listed below by the classroom teacher when needed. A protective case is required to safely transport the iPad to and from school. Headphones, earbuds, or EarPods will be used to listen to audio media. A stylus will be used for handwriting, drawing and optionally to interact with the UI.
For more information please read our parent handbook below: