Primary Principal Mr Santiago

Mr. Santiago Gomez

Primary Principal

Mr. Santiago Gomez holds a degree in Business Administration from the top university in Accounting and Finance of the State of New York. His educational journey began at the age of 16 at the Greater Ridgewood Youth Council for several years, where he worked alongside educational leaders to provide educational programs to elementary students as teacher and counselor. He was greatly involved as a leader in his university as part of the executive board of the Undergraduate Student Government. He then taught in Thailand for two years as a teacher in Chiang Mai and after worked in both teaching and educational management in Osaka, Japan for 6 years. 

Educational leadership has always been in his life as Mr. Santiago is the oldest of 8 siblings and has shaped to be an optimistic, responsible and caring person. With his colleagues he always pursues the betterment of his experiences in life and maintains a focus on the wellbeing and joyfulness of all his peers. In his spare time he enjoys photography, reading books and home fitness.